Sending out an SOS

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Sending out
an SOS

Samuel McLennan has hand built a raft entirely from rubbish and waste found on Tasmania’s coastline and waterways.

It was created on a property near Port Arthur in Southern Tasmania and is now being prepared for Sea Trials on waters close by.  

Samuel is willing to challenge himself and many others beliefs by sailing the vessel from Hobart to Sydney and beyond – he has significant global experience in many disciplines. 

The project is inspiring people to take new actions to shift the unworkable situation we have created for ourselves, future generations and mother earth.  

This is a project to interrupt the way human beings think, speak and act about themselves and other people – because the current result is waste showing up in the environment.

Samuel McLennan - buoy

Project Interrupt crowdfunding is now live - help this man continue!

Why is Samuel doing this crazy thing?

He is concerned for the future and direction we are headed as a society

He wants you to be abundant, joy-full, having great relationships and achieve what you dream about

He see's a correlation between the rising rates of mental health issues and the increasing amounts of rubbish in the environment

To cause important conversations about

  • Environmental sustainability
  • Corporate, government and individual responsibility
  • Innovation and creativity
  • Mental health and mindset
  • Leadership, management & teamwork
  • And many more

Goals on the Ground

(and in the ocean!)

1. To prevent waste from entering the environment and remove the waste that’s currently there.

2. To develop strong leaders who are committed to creating people and environments that increase in health and abundance

Starting with the vision of an innovation island in Jan 2022 (to develop solutions to combat the demise of the local marine environment) – the Interruptor evolved as more debris arrived.

As the year progressed Samuel faced many challenges while discovering how and when to utilise each unique piece – unsure if more of the same would show up. 

If he used a piece too early – it could (in the future) prevent the development of a critical component of the vessel. 

He learned about the balance point between patience and progress – a move too fast could have detrimental impacts. 

Have we gone past the balance point in society today?

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Rubbish in the environment is rapidly increasing

Species have become extinct and more are becoming extinct

Inorganic rubbish will kill nearly every living thing on the planet - including us

Human beings get many positive benefits from nature and the environment

Technological advancements come from nature (e.g. Solar power, batteries, medical insights into cancers etc). They come from a scientist or researcher developing a deeper insight about how a natural thing works

Aboriginal culture maintained the environment for 60,000 years

There's increasing amounts of people being unhappy about how the environment is being treated by certain people, corporations and governments


Rubbish doesn’t naturally grow in the environment – it comes from people. Someone chooses, at some point in time, to not focus on the rubbish they have created.  

Here’s examples of the thoughts that cause rubbish to be created (or to exist) in the environment:

It takes time to look at the impacts of waste or rubbish - and I don't have time for that

If I speak up about the rubbish my workmate has just thrown in the ocean I might lose my job

It costs my business money to find useful purposes for waste and prevent it from entering the natural environment - and I want to spend the money on other things

I don't want people to see me picking up this rubbish. They might tease or pick on me if I do (and deep down I don't want to be ridiculed or ostracised)

Who gives a sh#t anyway? (and deep down there's the thoughts: nobody cares about me so why should I care?)

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